How it Works

Step 1

Figure out what you want to keep track of down the road

Starting is always the hardest part...think back to all of the frustrated moments in the past when you have misplaced information. When was the last time you asked yourself:

Step 2

Find which Caddy it belongs in

This part is pretty simple, just figure out which part of your life it relates to:

Step 3

Click "Add Item" and fill out the entire form...make sure to fill out the dates too

Take everything you have and fill in as many fields as possible...anything else, just throw it in the "notes" field.

Step 4

Never worry about forgetting, because we will remind you!

We're either going to remind your via e-mail when something important is coming up, or we'll be in your back pocket next time your need to fill out an application, apply for a job, rent a new home, or buy that special someone a gift! The scenarios are endless since you get to decide what we keep track of.

We're so happy you decided to give memoryCADDY a try, you're going to absolutely LOVE IT!